Rate of disease, trapping office workers

The greatest danger represents sedentary nature of office work. As a result, dramatically increases the risk of obesity. And to avoid a similar fate, doctors are advised to at least two hours a day walking on foot.

The same method must be fought, and the second most important office disaster - the risk of developing thrombosis of the legs and lungs. They can occur during long sedentary work because of the slowing of blood flow. The wild form of the disease lead to heart attack and stroke.

Third on the list are headaches, which often suffer from office "shop clerks." According to doctors, migraine may be caused by swelling of the neck muscles, as well as the flickering fluorescent lights.

A minimum of physical activity and frequent lack of sleep may lead to an irresistible sleepiness at the workplace. In this case, doctors advise more often in the air before going to bed.

Those who work at the computer for a long time, a very high risk of developing so-called syndrome of "carpal tunnel." This disease is a form of arthritis of hands that occurs when a long work with a "mouse", and stored in the fifth place in the ranking.

American physicians are advised to as much attention to the organization of the workplace. After an uncomfortable posture caused by a bad placing chairs, a table and a monitor, resulting in strained back muscles, neck and shoulders. As a result, at the end of the day man physically tired more than exhaust replaced the miner.

At least once every six months on the job need to wash the keyboard, mouse and desk. Insist on it doctors, warning of infectious and viral hazards. It is on the surface over time, keyboard and mouse crowd huge numbers of pathogens.

Another risk factor for office workers - the need for almost all the eight hours working day to look at the monitor. Doctors warn that the lack of rest for the eyes can lead to a significant reduction in visual acuity. This risk stands in eighth place in the rankings.

Often in the office need to move furniture or rearrange the equipment. In this case it is necessary, first of all, assess their capabilities, not to hurt your back.

And finally, closes the list of office misfortunes accumulation of dust in the air. To cope with it, US doctors recommend once a day to make the wet cleaning. After all the dust not only harms the respiratory system, but is a carrier of germs.
