jobs involving all hands Do away with, work on weekends and your own lack of organization

Grabs the plan

You have too much to do and you do not know what to grab? As a result of grasping at the first thing that comes to mind. As luck would have it, most often it is less important and urgent work that would have to wait. To important matters were carried out in time, but the work was delayed until the evening do not need to devote every morning for 10-15 minutes, and carefully plan your day. And you need to paint only the tasks that must be performed precisely today.
Put to Tuesday

You may choose not the best time to perform important tasks. Try the most crucial things to plan for the days of the week when your performance is very high. These days, according to psychologists, are Tuesday and Wednesday. But on Monday the productivity of many, unfortunately, is practically zero.
"Understand" with colleagues

Surely you allow colleagues to constantly distract you. Both on business issues, and for nothing. If you are too busy schedule, try to politely explain to colleagues that happily chatted with them during lunch, at the end of the day or after work. Do not hesitate to talk about it, otherwise - will regularly stay at work.
Take timeouts

You work as got all day and do not give yourself a moment's rest? Not surprisingly, the performance by the end of the day will be practically zero. Be sure to make a pause for at least 5-10 minutes every two hours to catch my breath a little and relax. Timeouts in helping save power and at the same time to preserve our health.
Remove the table

Unfortunately, mountains of paper only prevent us from working. Instead of immediately get down to business, we have to spend time trying to dig under them the necessary documents. Organize your work area so that you can quickly find everything you need. In addition, it is believed that the clean desktop increases efficiency.
Be "out of reach"

Productive work interfere with frequent phone calls and e-mail correspondence. All it takes too much time. Therefore, during the day only answer to the most important messages of "elektronke" and the rest - only after work. Just try to do with the phone calls. Allot time for them pre-specifying a convenient time for the interlocutor.
